Network Closure

This network closure process is essential to secure and remove member access and network data. By removing member access and content, the network is effectively "frozen" until you are ready to re-launch your site. 
It is important to note that once the network is closed, members will no longer have access to discussions, chats, events, or their profiles. The closure process will remove all members, except those with special permissions.

These are the recommended steps to take to close your network:

  • To initiate the process, reach out to your Partner Success Manager (PSM) with a preferred closure date. Your PSM will respond with additional questions to ensure the correct data and permissions are removed from your network.
  • Plan and schedule discussion topics within your communities to inform members about the upcoming closure. In addition, consider creating an event within your communities to provide another way for members to stay informed about the network closure.
  • Download all network data before closure to avoid any loss of information. The following exports are available to administrators:
      • Member Report
      • Connection Report
      • Communities Report
      • Posts/Discussions Reports
      • Activity Report
  • On your preferred closure date your PSM will reset the site, and data and permissions will be removed.  

For more information on finding and downloading data exports, please learn more at Receiving Data: Self Service Exports in Wisr Admin Site.

Network closure is a crucial step in managing your network effectively. By following the recommended steps and communicating closely with your PSM, you can ensure a smooth transition period and prepare for future launches!

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