Queries: Deactivate Members
The Deactivate Member Query allows partners to bulk deactivate Wisr profiles.
The Deactivate Member Query may be used:
- When a Student has withdrawn their application for admission
- If a Student communicates that they no longer would like to be part of the institutional marketing campaign/the Wisr experience
- If a Student leaves an institution before an orientation session completes.
For more, please review to the Managing Data in Wisr article.
Deactivate Member Query Requirements
The Deactivate Query must include the following exports in Slate:
- Unique ID
- Important: This ID will be used for matching when sent back to Slate.
Deactivate Member Query Properties and Configuration:
- Select Edit Properties
Select and set the following properties
- Execution Options: Retrieve only the new records since the query was last run
- Fetch Behavior: Always preserve where clause on fetch
- Save
- Select Schedule Export
- Select and set the following settings
- Status: Inactive (Until testing is complete)
- Destination: Custom File Transfer
- Connection: sftp://User-ID@sftp.wisr.io
- IMPORTANT: The User-ID matches the User ID in the Outgoing Service Account (Remote) previously created.
- Please make sure the User-ID matches.
- Path: /incoming/deactivate-school_name-%FT%T.csv
- Encryption: Secure Transfer
- Notification: Failures Only
- Notification Email: Insert an Active Email Address
- Format: Delimited (tab-delimited, CSV, etc.)
- Delimited: Comma (,)
- Headers: Include Header Row
- Text Qualifiers: Double Quotes (")
- Line Endings: <Cr><Lf>
- Encoding: Unicode: (utf-8)
- Suppress Empty: Suppress Empty Files
- Requested Delivery: Overnight 2:00 a.m. - 4:00 a.m. (preferred window)
- Requested Weekdays: Choose your desired cadence for Updates (Most Frequent: Weekly)
- Requested Priority: Normal
- Be sure the User is listed as the Service Account Wisr (Outbound) user created earlier
- By default, Slate automatically assigns the query to the user that created the query.
- IMPORTANT: If the User is not associated with the Service Account Wisr (Outbound) user, the connection will fail.
- By default, Slate automatically assigns the query to the user that created the query.