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Getting Started with a Content Calendar

Creating a Content Calendar

When someone brings up building online community, what do you think about? Visions of deep conversations, viral posts, and interesting analytics likely come to mind, but the reality of managing community usually looks much different.
Yes, communities can result in incredible interaction and results, but those outcomes are usually built on a solid foundation of quality content. That’s why a content calendar is so important. 

When to use a content calendar

The quick answer is… always!
You might be thinking, “but I want my communities to feel authentic.” That’s actually a great argument for using well-constructed content calendars.
A good content calendar is not a rigid prescription. Instead, it is a freeing document that allows you to concentrate your strategic efforts, plan ahead, and then apply creativity when you need to. By planning ahead with important themes, interesting ideas, and pre-built content, you are giving your future-self room to put more energy into creative and authentic content when you need to. 

Where to build a content calendar

So, you’re ready to build a content calendar. But, where do you start?
A lot of content calendars fall apart before they even get started. Why? Sometimes chasing perfection can be the enemy of getting things done.
The best content calendar is one that you’ll use. Often, that means the simplest and most accessible format possible.
Our suggestion is to simply use an Excel Spreadsheet (in fact, we have a pre-built template for you here!). While a spreadsheet may not be able to include all the bells and whistles of the latest content-planning software, you likely already have access to it, your teammates know how to use it, and it will force you to think through content in a simple lens.
Ultimately, you can build a content calendar wherever you and your team is most comfortable. Just make sure the format you choose allows you to cover content basics (title, copy, image links, etc.) and be flexible as your needs grow and change. 
Ready to build your content calendar? Check out 8 steps to a successful content calendar.
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