3.18.2022 | Introducing Admin Dashboard 3.0

Wisr is excited to announce an enhanced Admin Dashboard Overview tab to support our partners. The new Admin Dashboard Overview tab delivers a streamlined view that puts actionable data front and center around the following three categories:

  1. Student Health
  2. Ambassador Health
  3. Community Leaderboard

The following article explains the function of each visualization. 

For best practice on how to use this dashboard, see the related resources below:

  1. Video Overview
  2. Admin Dashboard Overview tab benefits
  3. Where can I see how my topics and communities are performing?
  4. How do I see what my student ambassadors/mentors are doing?

Features of all visualizations

The dashboard can be filtered by date. The default range is the past 90 days, but this can be updated to reflect any number of previous days or a specific date range.  

Full data from any visualization can be downloaded by using the cloud download button in the top right-hand corner of the visualization. To populate the download button, hover your mouse in the top right-hand corner.

Visualizations will be parsed by member type. For example, if you have both an admitted student and a deposited student member type, you will see two data points in each visualization.


Student Health Metrics

The Student Health metrics are designed to follow the student journey from onboarding and site activity to meaningful connection. Visualizations in this section represent student activity in your site. Use this information to recognize trends, target students who may need a nudge, and analyze what activities are driving the most engagement.

Student Sign-Ups: Represents the total number of students who signed up on your Wisr site by week. Based on defined date range

Percent Student Onboarded this year: Presents the overall percentage of student users who have completed the onboarding process. This represents all students on the platform for this school year after any site resets.

Active Students: Displays the total number of onboarded students who were active (‘last seen’ by the site) for each week in the defined date range.

Note: The same student can be considered “active” across multiple weeks

Percent Active Student: Displays the percentage of students who have logged activity at least once within the last selected date range

Chat Activity – Students: Displays the total amount of chat activity (the sum of the number of chats started + the number of chats read) initiated by students for each week in the defined range.

Percent Student Connected this year: This chart depicts the overall percentage of students who have made at least one connection. This represents all students on the platform this school year, after any site resets.

Post Count Activity- Student: This chart depicts the total number of topics and posts created by students each week within the defined range.

Percent Student Posted this year: This chart displays the percentage of your onboarded students that created at least one post (e.g., either a topic or a post in a reply to a topic). Students who created both a topic and a post in reply are NOT double counted.

Community Join Activity: This chart depicts the total number of communities joined by student for each week within the defined range.

Percent Students joined Community this year: This represents the percentage of your onboarded students who have joined at least one community on your site. This represents all students on this platform for this school year, after any site resets.

Ambassador Health Metrics

To help measure the success of your student ambassadors/mentors, the Admin Dashboard Overview tab allows you to view an Ambassador Activity Report. Visualizations in this section represent ambassador/mentor activity in your site. Use this information to monitor ambassador/mentor activity and recognize your most engaged ambassadors.

Active Ambassadors: Displays the total number of onboarded ambassadors/mentors who were active (‘last seen’ by the site) for each week in the defined range.

Note: The same ambassador/mentor can be considered ‘active’ across multiple weeks.

Percent Active Ambassadors: Displays the percentage of ambassadors/mentors who have been active (defined as the most recent timestamp associated with a user going to the site) within the selected time frame.

Ambassador Activity Report: Provides summary statistics for student ambassador/mentor activity (topics created, posts created, and new connections made) within the defined range.

  • Topics created: Number of topics created in communities
  • Posts created: Number of replies created to topics
  • New connections: Number of new chats and scheduled calls
  • Activity in date range: Total topics, posts, and new connections in selected date range

Community Detail

To understand how your communities and their topics are resonating with students, the Admin Dashboard Overview tab allows you to get insight into the community metrics under Student Topic/Community Leaderboard.

  • View count: Number of times a topic is viewed
  • Reaction count: Number of emoji reactions on a topic
  • Reply count: Number of replies to a topic
  • Activity count in range: Total views, reactions and replies on a topic in selected date range
  • Community total in range: Total of all views, reactions and replies within a community 
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