Wisr Invite Templates

You have worked hard to build meaningful Wisr Virtual Communities and it's now time to invite prospective students to join. While you're ultimately in control of your brand voice and invite strategy, we have recommendations to consider when building your Wisr invitations.

Note: Sending invitations should be an ongoing strategy that goes well beyond initial launch.

Before You Begin:

1. Ensure you know how to locate and reference your pre-verification URLs from your CRM or directly from your Wisr site.

Each prospective member of your site is assigned a unique URL through the pre-verification process. Using these unique URLs:

  • Grants site access for members you have approved and needs to be included in your invites
  • Pre-populates names and email addresses when directing to your sign-in page
  • Associates records with member types and custom field data
  • Greatly reduces the volume of pending members you will have to approve

Note: Pre-verifying a member is not the same as inviting them to join your site.

2. Decide on your channel(s)

Invitations are most frequently sent via email and SMS, but there are multiple ways to encourage students to join.

Note: We recommend a hybrid strategy that includes a combination of channels. 

3. Review best practices we've seen be successful on email structure and cadence

Subject Line: 

  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Personalize using tokens (e.g., include a first name)
  • Keep it CTA focused and allude to the action you want your students to take (e.g., "join")
  • Ask a question to bump up opens (e.g., "Have you joined?" or "Did you see this?")


We recommend...

  • That your invites include the following strategy to generate a response:
    • Recognition > short CTA intro > CTA button
  • Include your CTA button as high up into the view as possible. We have historical response data that shows the higher up in an email a CTA button is, the more effective it is at generating clicks
  • Keep it fun. Don't be shy to use emojis

Warning: Emojis can be complex to render correctly and can pose some technical problems. You will want to test and monitor your emails if they contain emojis and pivot if they appear broken.

  • People tend to scan and look for keywords when reading digital content so bold important keywords where applicable


  • Push invitations when you are just launching
  • Send invites that capitalize on moments of excitement like right after submitting an application, being accepted, or depositing
  • Send invites when you have specific events to drive to
  • Invite via drip campaign 

Once You Are Ready to Build Copy

While you are ultimately in control of the channel, tone, and cadence of your invites, we have email templates available to use as guidance. These templates can, and should, be customized and branded to reflect your institution. 

Admitted Student Hub:

Use these sample templates to support your sign-up strategy to your Wisr Admitted Student Virtual Community.

Invite 1: A preliminary invitation to your site that introduces Wisr Virtual Communities and the benefits of joining



Invite 2: A gentle nudge and follow up to the preliminary invitation


Invite 3: An invitation meant to spark a feeling of "missing out" by not joining  


Orientation Hub:

Use these sample templates to support your sign-up strategy to your Wisr Orientation Virtual Community.

Invite 1: A preliminary invitation to your site that introduces Wisr Virtual Communities as the go to place over the summer.



Invite 2: A gentle nudge and follow up to the preliminary invitation


Invite 3: An invitation meant to spark a feeling of "missing out" by not joining  


Note: We recommend taking some of these thoughts and ideas and applying them to short and sweet SMS messaging.

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