2.2.2022 | Automated Ambassador Nudges

Wisr is working to help our partner's ambassador programs scale easily and effectively. The key to successfully engaging your students is ensuring a proactive ambassador base. This means ambassadors are regularly reaching out to students who do not have a connection, regularly posting stories about their campus experiences, and encouraging interaction with content to engage new site members. 

To help keep ambassadors proactive, we are introducing a set of smart-ambassador email nudges. These nudges are available to partners during peak engagement times (for example, yield season). As such, you must opt-out of the campaign sequence if you are not interested in this service. To do so, please contact your Partner Success Manager. 

There are currently five nudges to both reinforce positive reach outs and send gentle reminders when an ambassador has been inactive. As our programs evolve, we will build and tweak additional nudges to support partner needs.

Here is an overview of the nudges, the email, subject lines, and links are customized to include the ambassador's name and your site's name.

1) No connection for 30 days

2) Last login more than 2 weeks ago

3) First connection made

4) First topic or post made in a community

5) No posts or reactions made for 30 days

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