Slate: Receiving Pre-Verification Data From Wisr

When a partner sends data to Wisr, Wisr will process the data and return any new pre-verifications to Slate's Incoming SFTP directory

Once the data from Slate is processed, Wisr sends data back to the partner. The most important fields to map from Wisr are the following: 

  1. Unique ID
  2. Pre-Verification URL*

The Partner will need to create a " Pre-Verification Wisr URL" custom field in Slate. This field can be person-scoped or application-scoped (depending on the solution purchased) *If you would like to import the Standard Wisr Fields, please review this article. 

Important: If you are importing parent data, please contact your Wisr Implementation Specialist or Partner Success Manager  The example below illustrates the mapping within the Source Format: 

Suitcase ID/Briefcase ID for Wisr Pre-Verified Members Source Format: 


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