Wisr Admin Site Overview

As an admin, you have the ability to manage your site. This Wisr Admin Site Overview article is designed to provide a high-level understanding of the administrative site and how to navigate your admin portal.

In this article, we will provide references for the most frequent actions required to administrate a Wisr site, as well as links to additional articles for each component of your site.

The admin site is broken down into the following sections: Dashboard, Members, Connections, Communities, Events, Discussions, Activity, and Site Settings.

Basic Admin Site Overview:

Overview Dashboard

The network overview is the first section you will see when logging into the admin backend. The network overview section includes a standard data dashboard that allows you to immediately understand the health of your site. Wisr provides default data visualizations for your team related to Student Health Metrics and Ambassador Metrics. 

For more information on monitoring activity in your site, reference Monitoring Activity in Wisr


The Members section of the admin site allows admins to manage who has access, who is invited, and profile data. All members are accessible in the members section of the admin backend; this includes active, pending, invited, pre-verified, inactive, and admin members. From the Members Section, it is easy to search for individual members, view their profiles, and edit profile information. 

For a full walk-through of the members table, and managing your members reference Managing Members


Member Connections are housed in the Connections tab in the admin backend. Here, you can easily track the number of messages exchanged between members and understand how engaged your members are within the site.

If you have not yet familiarized yourself with the ways in which a member can connect, we recommend going back to the ‘How Wisr Works’ category and reading ‘How Members Interact


Communities are a vital component of Wisr. In the Communities section, you have the ability to create and suspend communities, approve requested communities, elevate communities to featured status, and manage community leaders. We encourage you to explore the communities module in the admin help site for more info.


Like Communities, the Events section has its own section of this admin help site. In the admin backend, you are able to create new sitewide events, download event data, and manage events at the community level.


The Discussions section allows admins to dive deeper into the conversations taking place in your Wisr site. Admin users can view Topics and Posts. 

The Topics tab allows admins to see high level discussion metrics. Admins can see the topic title and associated community, how many posts are part of the topic, the number of views each discussion topic has, and if a discussion topic is scheduled for publishing at a later date.

Note: Scheduled Discussion Topics are an effective way to maintain a consistent network presence and keep your members engaged. By scheduling your discussion topics in advance, you can ensure that your content is being shared at optimal times throughout your cycle, increasing the likelihood of reaching your members during milestones. This feature aims to simplify the posting process and help better manage your content strategy. 

The Post tab allow admins to view each post within a topic. Admins can see the title and body of the post, what discussion it is part of, and how many replies the post has. 

Both Topics and Posts are great indicators of what prospective students want to learn in Wisr. For more information about Topics and Posts, please reach out to your assigned PSM contact or at adminsupport@wisr.io. 


The activity tab tracks all user activity that takes place within your site. You can use this to track individual member actions, see admin logins and edits, or watch for trends. A more detailed explanation of monitoring activity in your site is available here: Monitoring Activity in Wisr. Please note: the Activity metrics can be downloaded from the Activity Tab. Given all site activity is included, the report may take up to 2 hours to deliver. Please reach out to adminsupport@wisr.io if you experience any additional issues.  

Site Settings

The Site Settings is the part of the admin backend used to manage which features are activated and manage secure file uploads. This tab is largely locked and we recommend working with your assigned PSM contact to make any changes. 

Now that you have a high-level understanding of how to operate Wisr, it’s time to take a deeper look at each component part. Continue reading for best practices, frequently asked questions, technical guides, and Wisr resources.

Data Tools

The Data Tools section allows admins to manage bulk data in Wisr. Admins can pre-verify, update, deactivate, invite members to communities, and reactivate members in bulk through Data Tools. Click here for more information about Managing Data in Wisr.

As a next step, we have created sub-articles under this category for the most frequent activities that you will need to perform as an administrator. Here is a table:

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