Community Notifications


The communities in your Wisr network bring members together that have similar interests, backgrounds, and/or career expertise. By joining a community, a member auto 'opts in' to receive email notifications about new topics created and events happening that are relevant to that community. These email notifications are critical for sharing timely information and making sure that members know when there are new conversations happening that they might want to be a part of. The two primary notifications we send out related to communities are the Discussions digest and the Events digest.

Discussion Digest

The Discussions forums in communities are the best way to share content and foster conversations with and among members. Wisr will wrap up all new topics created in a member's communities in the previous 24 hours and send them a digest each day notifying them that there are new topics in their communities.

If there are no new topics posted, we won't send an email.

We also utilize this digest email to share some of the popular topics in other public communities that the member may find interesting (they don't have to be a member of a public community in order to see the popular topics). We source these popular topics by a mix of topics with the most views and most replies count.

Events Digest

Every community has an Events tab where community leaders can share relevant events that community members may find interesting. Similar to the discussions digest, Wisr will send out a daily digest of all new events created in a member's communities in the last 24 hours. In addition to this digest, Wisr will also send out a reminder email to community members 24-48 hours before an event (based on the specified event time), letting them know that they have upcoming events.

If there are no new events or no upcoming events, we won't send an email.

@ Mentions Notifications

If a member has been tagged in a community discussion or post, they will get notified via email and/or push notification if they have the Wisr Mobile app. 

Other Community Notifications

Inside each community, you have the ability to invite people to join. When you do, we'll wrap up the personal message you write along with the community banner image, community name, and community headline and send out a templated email invitation for you. After 24 hours, you'll have the option to resend the invitation to anyone who hasn't joined your community yet. 

As a community leader of a private community, you may also receive notifications when a network member requests to join your community. You'll only receive these emails if you are a community leader of a private community.

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